Joyful Atheists

Sarah Bowman
Sarah Bowman, atheist, writer/researcher, nature-lover, dog-owner

I don’t “thank” anyone, unless a human contributed to my happy situation. I do allow myself to feel joyful for the happy turn of events. However, I don’t think of things in terms of leaving it to luck or chance.

I think things through very carefully, collect all the information on the topic I can, carefully weigh my options, and choose the best I can with the information I’ve got.

There’s always some unknowns, so you have to be prepared to deal with things turning out differently from what you had hoped. But that is not “luck or chance.” It’s being aware of what is happening and being prepared to deal with whatever happens.

This calls for self-education, for presence of mind, for preparedness. I have to write things down so I have answers to hand when I get to the meeting and things turn out differently from what I had hoped. But then finally, when everything works out, when the problem is solved, and the burden lifted, I feel happy.

I do not feel obligated to “thank” anyone except those who contributed to the making of my day. And you can be sure I’m thanking those people till their ears fall off if they want to hang around and listen. I’m that happy and grateful. Being an atheist allows you to be jubilant. I try to reign in the exuberance once in a while for other people’s comfort.

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